
Invigorate the Japanese Bitcoin Market

Pledged Bitcoin

------ BTC

(Approx. --- JPY)

---% Funded

Target Amount (BTC)

------ BTC

(Approx. --- JPY)

Project Supporters


Application Deadline

January 1st

This project has been closed.Thank you very much for your support.

This project has been closed.

Project Owner

Daisuke Shosaki
Daisuke Shosaki
April 11th, 1988
Web Engineer
iOS app development, stock investment
Favorite Programming Language

SocialBitcoinTrade is a Bitcoin trading web service that allows it's users to decide when to buy and sell! The main purpose of the site is to inject liquidity into the Japanese Bitcoin market. I created this project to increase Bitcoin trading volume on SocialBitcoinTrade.

  • Approx. 0.01 BTC (0 JPY equivalent)

    0.01 BTC (Approx. --- JPY)

    Help Fund this Project!Closed

    Your name in the credits

    Your name will be listed in the credits column of both the website and the iOS app (under development).

    On the website, there will be a designated area for credits under the chart.

    On the iOS app, the credits view can be navigated to from the settings screen. A URL can be provided upon request. This can be useful if you have your own website.

    Required personal information (only once the project is fully funded)
    Your name as it should appear in the credits
    Gift Offer Date
    Mid-July 2015 (Est.)
    Project Supporters
  • Approx. 0.03 BTC (0 JPY equivalent)

    0.03 BTC (Approx. --- JPY)

    Help Fund this Project!Closed

    Original stickers + your name in the credits

    In addition to having your name listed in the credits as described above, you will receive multiple original SocialBitcoinTrade stickers.

    The stickers will be laminated and of good quality.

    View a previously created sticker for reference: https://twitter.com/tanapro/status/499034063726854145/photo/1

    Required personal information (only once the project is fully funded)
    Your name as it should appear in the credits, your mailing address.
    Gift Offer Date
    Mid-July 2015 (Est.)
    Project Supporters
  • Approx. 0.3 BTC (0 JPY equivalent)

    0.3 BTC (Approx. --- JPY)

    Help Fund this Project!Closed

    Free permanent use of the Bitcoin price comparison tool

    Compare prices across domestic Bitcoin marketplaces and exchanges at http://coinkakaku.com/

    Supporters through fundFlyer shall gain free, permanent exclusive access to this service.

    As a special offering to celebrate our launch, the site is currently free to use. Once the campaign period ends it will be free for the first week after registration, after which a fee of 0.01 ~ 0.02 BTC per month will be charged.

    Future enhancements are planned, including adding prices from overseas Bitcoin exchanges for comparison.

    • * You need to log in to this site with your Facebook account.
    Required personal information (only once the project is fully funded)
    Email address or Facebook ID
    Gift Offer Date
    Mid-July 2015 (Est.)
    Project Supporters
  • Approx. 0.2 BTC (0 JPY equivalent)

    0.2 BTC (Approx. --- JPY)

    Help Fund this Project!Closed

    Multiply your votes 5 times

    Normally, 1 click counts as 1 vote on SocialBitcoinTrade.

    With this gift, however, 1 click will count as 5 votes.

    For example, if you wish to raise the Bitcoin price, clicking "Vote Buy" many times will increase the number of votes made to SocialBitcoinTrade to buy Bitcoin. More buy orders will then be sent to the market.

    • * This is only valid when you login to Twitter.
    Required personal information (only once the project is fully funded)
    Twitter account name
    Gift Offer Date
    Mid-July 2015 (Est.)
    Project Supporters
  • Approx. 0.7 BTC (0 JPY equivalent)

    0.7 BTC (Approx. --- JPY)

    Help Fund this Project!Closed

    Banner Ad on the site (300 x 250 / 2 months)

    The banner will be posted above "Current position, vote info" on the site for 2 months.

    As many Bitcoin enthusiasts are expected to visit the site, this should be an effective means of promotion for Bitcoin related businesses.

    • * Up to 4 gifts
    Required personal information (only once the project is fully funded)
    Site URL, banner image
    Gift Offer Date
    Mid-July 2015 (Est.)
    Project Supporters